A bold and honest account, Cindy Pivacic shares her story about how she came to contract HIV & AIDS and how she responded to it. Not only is she living healthy years later, but her vibrant and energetic character has been poured into helping others who are experiencing the same situation.
Cindy presents talks and workshops on living positively with HIV & AIDS and those, with this book and her online presence, gives her the opportunity to create awareness, give testimony concerning the HIV & AIDS issue, and to assist in de-stigmatising this secret killer.
Account Name Cindy Pivacic – AID My Journey
Account Type Flexi Account (Book Account)
Account Number 925 85 006 77
Branch Code 632005 (Pinetown)
Price R150.00 + R30.00 postage & packaging (R180.00) South Africa
Delivery 4/5 days
Courier Service counter to counter additional R 75.00 = R225.00 (SA) next day
Door to door additional R130.00 = R280.00 (SA) next day
Your name as reference
Email proof of payment
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Thank you.
English HIV AIDS – IEC (Information – Education – Information) Group Area: Pinetown, KwaZulu Natal
Date: Thursday 7th June 2012 Time: 18h00
Every First Thursday of the Month
Contact me for details, strictly confidential.
We meet tomorrow at 18h00 Sharp – Contact Cindy for details.
Can you believe that a year has passed since this site was launched!
A very special thank you to Charlotte Kemp and Shawn Fouche for sponsoring AID My Journey- Support’s website.
The site has had fantastic feedback and I look forward to the year ahead.
To all the people that landed or purposely came to the site, thank you for your support.
Today, the 20th January 2012 there has been a total of 4719 hits – impressive for this topic.
We should have a lot more hits due to the still sad lack of knowledge out there.
It would be to everyone’s benefit if you shared this website so please feel free to do so.
My thanks again to all!
I am starting a Support Group 4th August 2011 @ 18h30
I am a speaker, living positively with HIV and AIDS since November 2004 and the budding author of the yet unpublished “AID My Journey”.
Having lived through numerous challenges I would like to share my journey from diagnosis through to the present stage of my life, proving that HIV and AIDS is a manageable disease. It need not be a death sentence and I am living proof that a healthy lifestyle can prolong your existence if you have prior knowledge of what to do, where to go, when, and how to do it, making my speaking relevant and personal and designed to be both educational as well as motivational.
If I manage to inspire just one person, I will consider this part of my life successful.
Contact me for more information. I am also a Counsellor and your details will be strictly confidential.