Synopsis – The Deadly Seducer

On 21 April, 2014, in Book, by Cindy Pivacic

‘THE DEADLY SEDUCER’                                                                                by Cindy Pivacic

Deadly Seducer - Front Cover A5 640

It is all about you if you can live with yourself, stuff everyone else! I understand fully that it is a serious, terminal disease but it is manageable, so try to keep your sense of humour and “Deal With It”, sounds simple, but for some it will not be, that is why I would like to share the more positive side of my experience. It is not some, feel-sorry-for-me memoir or a sad biography – I usually pick up a biography, read the back, say “oh hell no” and put it right back on the shelf.


This is just telling it how it is and how I had to deal with “IT”. I have had the most exciting life possible, no regrets. No one is untouchable, although some people I have met have the strangest ideas about “IT”. This can affect anyone, directly or indirectly, and eventually someone else’s situation will affect you.


Forty six year old, Caucasian woman, so much for Gay and Black stereotype, HIV and AIDS is my disease!


A brief look at a ‘normal’ youth spent in Namibia then going to a boarding school as there were no high schools in Oranjemund to my fathers transfer to Kimberley and the teen years of growing up and testing the waters of what teenagers get up to along with their peers. I come from a very healthy well balanced background which goes to show everyone is vulnerable no matter your standard of living.


My first and second marriages were disasters for very different reasons; the first fortunately brought me two wonderful hard earned children but due to the lack of affection from my husband they had to be meticulously planned. The second husband was a violent individual and totally opposite of my first husband the physical side was passionate entwined with both violent abuse and sexual ardour.


Deciding to move from the Free State to KwaZulu Natal seemed like the best thing at the time in order to remove myself from my second husbands family and then in time from him, unknowingly setting myself up for an even worse situation. Being the trusting person I am totally misled into a relationship with someone fourteen years my junior resulting in a lifelong deadly disease.


Living with the HI virus and acquired diseases related to HIV/AIDS since 2004, the lengthy detailed treatments are shared in the hope that it will create awareness to the public at large and show that acquiring the virus does not have to mean a death sentence. We are all going to die, eventually; it is just up to each one of us how you are going to live in-between, disease or no disease!


With support, yes, from family and friends believe it or not it has helped somewhat in removing the stigma and discrimination attached to the disease and with proper assistance and support the stigma can be overcome. By pointing people in the right direction and advising what to do, where to go, when and how to do it will hopefully prolong their life by managing their disease.


The treatment takes the reader through the various stages of acquired diseases that affected me and by doing this give people hope that acquiring diseases such as Strokes, Pneumonia, Shingles, TB Meningitis and Cancer (Angioimmunoblasticlymphadenopathy) will show them that living a healthy lifestyle can and does work. Going onto ARVs need not be a nightmare if taken correctly; they will enhance your life.


The lack of support within the suburbs is frightening and is addressed with contact details to counselling, testing and support group facilities. Add to this some tried and tested, easy, healthy recipes, the first thing that always gets asked is ‘So, what do you eat?’ necessitated this inclusion.



The thirty-six FAQ are easy to understand and an integral part of creating awareness and giving information to the still unacquainted people of South Africa in a manner that encourages them to want to read and find out more about this disease.



It boils down to ADAPT or DIE, I chose to adapt!


‘The Deadly Seducer‘                                                                               Blurb by Charlotte Kemp



‘A bold and honest account, Cindy Pivacic shares her story about how she came to contract HIV & AIDS and how she responded to it.


Not only is she living healthy years later, but her vibrant and energetic character has been poured into helping others experiencing the same situation.


Cindy presents talks and workshops on living positively with HIV & AIDS and those, with this book and her online presence, gives her the opportunity to create awareness, give testimony concerning the HIV & AIDS issue, and to assist in de-stigmatising this secret killer’.





Pre-order your AUDIO version; due for release soon. 



Book – AUDIO/Visual Introduction



‘The Deadly Seducer‘                                                                                                    

‘A bold and honest account, Cindy Pivacic shares her story about how she came to contract HIV & AIDS and how she responded to it.

Not only is she living healthy years later, but her vibrant and energetic character has been poured into helping others experiencing the same situation.

Cindy presents talks and workshops on living positively with HIV & AIDS and those, with this book and her online presence, gives her the opportunity to create awareness, give testimony concerning the HIV & AIDS issue, and to assist in de-stigmatising this secret killer’. ~Charlotte Kemp~

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The Deadly Seducer

On 10 May, 2013, in Book, by Cindy Pivacic

Back and Front Cover Final 640


A bold and honest account, Cindy Pivacic shares her story about how she came to contract HIV & AIDS and how she responded to it. Not only is she living healthy years later, but her vibrant and energetic character has been poured into helping others who are experiencing the same situation.

Cindy presents talks and workshops on living positively with HIV & AIDS and those, with this book and her online presence, gives her the opportunity to create awareness, give testimony concerning the HIV & AIDS issue, and to assist in de-stigmatising this secret killer.


Account Name Cindy Pivacic – AID My Journey
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Networking forum for Service Providers and Company Executives dealing with Health and Wellness.

Please feel free to share if this is not relevant to you, thank-you. 

With breast cancer month in October taking us up to World AIDS Day on the 1st December, Cindy has undertaken to be a little ‘crazy’, some may say abnormal; to honour these two issues that are very close to home – join us to see what it is all about and perhaps this may encourage you to do something too!


                        Create Awareness!!


 Mission and Vision

 The objective in founding Balance & Bounce – ‘Through the Circles of Life’

  •  Is to play a major role in the implementation by providing valuable access to Companies with Service Providers in the Health & Wellness industry.
  • Create health & wellness awareness events throughout the year
  • Offer sustainable information for the wellbeing of your valued staff members and their families by putting their Balance & Bounce back on track.


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Twitter:                                    @balanceandbounc

Hi All,

I am giving a talk on the 4th October 2012 and would like to address some of the issues you have experienced around stigma.

If you can give me something in about two hundred (200) words or a very short paragraph, that I can bring this to the attention of the forum I am presenting to.

It is local government, mining, corporates and other institutions that need to hear these ongoing issues.

Secondly, I would also like some feedback from those of you that this concerns, if, how and what AID My Journey-Support may have done to enhance your life; just a brief statement.

I would like your permission to use it so feel free to sign (anon, pseudonym or any other ‘name’ you wish to use, be creative) 😉

I am going to use this as a marketing tool to encourage support and sponsorships from corporates, individuals and other institutions as I need funding to maintain the centre.

Use my email address if you wish:

Coconut Oil is the only oil once heated that does NOT turn into trans fat (the bad fats) even Olive oil turns into trans fat when heated!!

The health benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and cancer, dental care, and bone strength. These benefits of coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and its properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, soothing, etc.

How is Lauric Acid used by our body? The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which is claimed to help in dealing with viruses and bacteria causing diseases such as herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and even HIV. It helps in fighting harmful bacteria such as listeria monocytogenes and heliobacter pylori, and harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia.

As a result of these various health benefits of coconut oil, though its exact mechanism of action was unknown, it has been extensively used in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicinal system.

The Coconut Research Center has compiled various references on scientific research done on coconut oil.


Everyone can take heed here. Whether its you or someone you know, share the information please.

A person who is infected with HIV & AIDS and is not showing signs of illness does not need a specific “HIV-diet”. However, those infected with HIV should make every effort to adopt healthy and balanced nutrition patterns  in order to meet their increased protein and energy requirements and maintain their nutritional status.

Once people with HIV & AIDS become ill they will have special needs, which are described below.


When infected with the HIV virus the body’s defence system – the immune system – works harder to fight infection. This increases energy and nutrient requirements. Further infection and fever also increase the body’s demand for food. Once people are infected with HIV they have to eat more to meet these extra energy and nutrient needs. Such needs will increase even further as the HIV & AIDS symptoms develop.

HIV & AIDS reduces food intake

People with HIV & AIDS often do not eat enough because:

  • The illness and the medicines taken for it may reduce the appetite, modify the taste of food and prevent the body from absorbing it;
  • Symptoms such as a sore mouth, nausea and vomiting make it difficult to eat;
  • Tiredness, isolation and depression reduce the appetite and the willingness to make an effort to prepare food and eat regularly;
  • There is not enough money to buy food.

Taken from:


Good Food – Bad Food 6

On 9 August, 2012, in Resource, Uncategorized, by Cindy Pivacic

Food allergies:

Many people are sensitive to certain foods, which can result in symptoms including intestinal distress, fatigue, and even weight gain. Common foods that create such problems are dairy, eggs, gluten (the protein in wheat), and soy, corn, and food additives.

Individuals that experience any of the above symptoms should experiment with eliminating these foods from their diets for a few weeks to see what changes occur. Then, reintroducing one at a time will give a good indication of which foods may be causing the problems.

Eating for a strong immune system starts with focusing on whole rather than refined foods. Eating organic foods as much as possible will make a big difference. You really don’t want to be adding the burden of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and feed, antibiotics and growth hormones to your system.


Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and herbs are an important part of making sure your nutritional needs are met. Taking a lot of supplements while maintaining a poor diet will not have the desired effects.

If you want to plant a garden, you could just dig a few holes, plant the seeds, and wait for something to happen. Maybe a few things would grow, but the crop would probably not be very bountiful.

Add compost and nutrients to the soil, water it properly, and you would reap the rewards. Think of a good diet as your way to amend your soil, then if you add a few supplements, there’s a good environment for growth.  ~Gary Rosard~