Coaching – MindSet Matters

Why does the right MindSet Matter?

Because YOU want to live your best life!

Being resilient does not mean that people don’t experience stress, emotional upheaval, and suffering.
Being resilient does give you the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from rough life events, and live your best life!


I guide individuals and groups on their physical, mental, emotional, and social resilience to FOCUS and FLOURISH


I am more than my #CindyHIV status. The dis-eases I have survived, associated with my status, namely, Shingles, Pneumonia, Two Strokes, TB Meningitis, and Cancer (AngioimmunoblasticLymphadenopathy), all in four years, 2004-2008, and a massive heart attack resulting in a double bypass in 2018 confirms that I have the determination, experience, and resilience to overcome any obstacle that comes my way.

I am resilient because I have the right MindSet. Change your MindSet – Restore your Resilience.


Module 1 – How do you know when your Resilience is Low?
Module 2 – SIX Vital Questions to Assess Your Level of Grit and Resilience
Module 3 – The Importance of Resilience
Module 4 – Personal Mindset Types
Module 5 – What are Resilience Tools
Module 6 – How to Ignite and Motivate Your Mojo


Cindy Pivacic
Cell: +27 73 739 6044

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