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Presenting at International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) Cape Town on the 9th Dec 2015 themed

IWPG Pic of Group

Speak to me if you would like to know how we can address topics around HIV & AIDS to your Staff, Scholars, Students, Medical Institutions and your Community.

Cindy’s Video BusCard

On 11 February, 2016, in Events, Health and Wellness, Speaking Engagements, Training, by Cindy Pivacic

Great to meet you!

Powder Power

Let’s set up a time to discuss ways to enlighten your staff and ensure their well-being and ultimately retain a smooth working environment.

Check out the video link below and feel free to: SHARE 🙂 

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You have something to say?

On 22 January, 2016, in Health and Wellness, Media, Uncategorized, by Cindy Pivacic





If there is anyone keen to be a guest or participant on Viber Public Chat with me, download the app and let me know you are available and I will add you as a perm/temp participant. (inbox me your phone number so I can add you to my contact list)

I would like people that will ADD VALUE, nutritionists, people living with HIV, Dr’s, Virologists, Gov officials, Social Workers, celebs and other interesting, community active people.

Join me on Viber, a free and amazing app for calls and messages! –www.viber.com/dl

Link to the Public Chat I am hosting http://www.viber.com/beyondhiv


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I do things differently and started 2016 with a new hair colour….let’s GO #BeyondHIV


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It took me SIX years after diagnosis in 2004 to go public with my HIV status. It was not easy……


Today it is FIVE years since taking that plunge!


My thanks to ALL the people that supported this event and to those that have paved the way for me since, your presence has been unwavering.


Many Thanks to:


Charlotte Kemp and Shawn Fouche for sponsoring my website and ‘forcing’ me to:




My Mother of course deserves more than anyone, my thanks, as she has been my, in her words, ‘biggest fan’ since going public.


I look forward to many healthy years and support going forward as I still have plenty to do!


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World AIDS Day 2015 – Testimony from Redge

I’m Redge, one of the interns at Atlas Copco.

It was an honor for me to have witnessed your presentation and testimony about HIV/Aids. I hope to be as eloquent as you one day and to possess at least half of the confidence that you have.

You have a soaring oratory.

I wish you all the best in all your endeavours!



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World AIDS Day Speaker

On 3 September, 2015, in Events, Speaking Engagements, by Cindy Pivacic

WAD 2015

WORLD AIDS DAY is on the 1st December

Get your bookings in early

Contact me soonest to secure.


email: cindy@cindypivacic.co.za          

Tel: 021 839 4529           Cell: 073 73 96 044

Changing the Status Quo with Skype

On 24 June, 2015, in Health and Wellness, Media, Press, by Cindy Pivacic

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Cindy Pivacic has made it her life’s mission to reverse the stigma around HIV & AIDS by using technology to counsel patients and educate healthcare workers.Cindy-Pivacic-eHealthNews-e1434703382807-470x250

Follow the link to see full article

Changing the Status Quo with Skype