HIV: Balance & Bounce (5)

On 26 February, 2020, in HIV: Balance & Bounce, by Cindy Pivacic

There are many facets to wellness around HIV and AIDS. Here I speak with Patronia Luzipo from Yabonga whose vision is to provide a sustainable model of holistic care and support to families and communities affected by HIV, enabling them to live independent, productive, healthy lives.

HIV: Balance & Bounce (4)

On 26 February, 2020, in HIV: Balance & Bounce, by Cindy Pivacic

There are many facets to wellness around HIV and AIDS. Here I speak with Dr. Emille Reid who is a specialist physician with an interest in Infectious Diseases & HIV Medicine. He also practices general medical-, ICU-, and Cardiac Care Medicine on an in-hospital basis.

Living Intentionally

On 31 January, 2020, in Health and Wellness, by Cindy Pivacic

Living Intentionally after a Major Setback

How do you do that?

This is a question many people ask as they, themselves, have had difficulty coming back from a major setback, be it a health diagnosis, divorce, an untimely death in their family, job loss, and more.

There is no straight answer as we all deal with trauma differently and we all have a variety of characteristics that add or dim our ability to move forward.

Many people do not have the capacity to go it alone, so here are a few pointers to consider, if you are struggling.

Keep in mind, it is NOT a shame if you are unable to cope on your own!

Firstly, evaluate your situation and decide just when, how, what and why you require support.

Secondly, approach either a professional, mentor or trusted friend/colleague who will ensure that your discussions will be confidential.


Failure: is a part of thriving and moving forward.

Introspection: recognise that you will need time to process what has happened.

Timeout: get away from your immediate situation and do something fun OUTDOORS.

Reflect: Ask a credible mentor to give you sincere feedback on your situation and allow you to vocalise freely, offering support and encouragement on a positive way forward.

Lessons: Learn how you can use this situation to tackle potential future challenges.

Control: Consider what is in your control, if you have been unsuccessful or unproductive, read relevant books, take a course and upskill yourself in some constructive manner.

Serious: It may sound impossible, selfish and uncomfortable but put yourself in situations where you are ‘forced’ to laugh and enjoy yourself. It may be a temporary situation but will clear your mind. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Chance: Take a risk! Be adaptable and take a chance as being too cautious can lead to failure and isolation.

Positivity: A positive outlook is not easy for everyone. It is important to ‘force’ yourself into that space and it will gradually become the norm and is a critical part of moving forward.

Reflect: Reflect, reflect, reflect! Keeping a journal is one way of monitoring your progress and can provide evidence of how you have progressed as well as an archive of previous setbacks and how you dealt with a specific situation.

While setbacks can discourage you, this is also an occasion to review your current dilemma from a unique perspective, through your own, and your mentors’ eyes.

Create your own power to focus and adapt.


GET YOUR Balance & Bounce BACK!



Celebrate the Past & Present of HIV and AIDS

On 5 November, 2019, in HIV & AIDS, World AIDS Day, by Cindy Pivacic

Are you aware the 1st of Dec is…… less than 30 days away?

Embargoed until: 29 July 2019 

Current population South Africa                                                        58 775 022

The estimated overall HIV prevalence rate is approximately           13,5%

The total number of people living with HIV is estimated at              7,97 million

HIV positive adults aged 15–49 years, an estimated                         19,07%

Book me to speak at your World AIDS Day Event

Workshop One: Own Your Challenges!

On 6 March, 2019, in Training, by Cindy Pivacic

Lifestyle Skills Management which include:

Workshop One:

Own Your Challenges!

There are potentially numerous issues that could create setbacks in a person’s personal life which can also carry over to their work life.

It can be detrimental to their well-being, if not addressed.

By addressing a setback and collaborating with management and employees, a positive change can be made, which will lead to behavioural change, and safeguard against loss of revenue and absenteeism.

I equip individuals/employees with effective methods in:

Becoming resilient.

How to motivate themselves.

When and why to terminate a troublesome project.

Explore alternative options of accountability.

How to cope with failing.

Take back their Balance & Bounce

Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire. – Arnold Glasgow-

Ask me for more information.