Hi All,
I am giving a talk on the 4th October 2012 and would like to address some of the issues you have experienced around stigma.
If you can give me something in about two hundred (200) words or a very short paragraph, that I can bring this to the attention of the forum I am presenting to.
It is local government, mining, corporates and other institutions that need to hear these ongoing issues.
Secondly, I would also like some feedback from those of you that this concerns, if, how and what AID My Journey-Support may have done to enhance your life; just a brief statement.
I would like your permission to use it so feel free to sign (anon, pseudonym or any other ‘name’ you wish to use, be creative) 😉
I am going to use this as a marketing tool to encourage support and sponsorships from corporates, individuals and other institutions as I need funding to maintain the centre.
Use my email address if you wish: cindy@cindypivacic.co.za
Who will be the first to order the soon to be released audio version of my book?
AID My Journey
Cindy Pivacic
‘It is all about you if you can live with yourself, stuff everyone else!
I understand fully that it is a serious, terminal disease but it is manageable, so try to keep your sense of humour and “Deal With It”, sounds simple, but for some it will not be, that is why I would like to share the more positive side of my experience.’
With – Andiamo Recording Studio
This is the other programme I was interviewed on. Will keep FB posted on which date it has been allocated to. It is basically ‘Living Positively with HIV and AIDS’