On 12 September, 2012, in Health and Wellness, Resource, Uncategorized, by Cindy Pivacic

I find it intriguing and somewhat overwhelming that so many people are eager (admirable I might add) to support a cause. On one site over 6,290 people ‘like’ the page of a beautiful animal but when it come to the human race, that’s us; you, me, your brother, sister, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, cousin and the list goes on, are not nearly as important a cause to support.

Is it FEAR, ignorance or just plain……………’s them not me?

What has happened to your compassion for the human race, pray tell, I would love to hear.

I can guarantee you, you may not know it but someone you know IS living with the HI virus but because they are fearful of rejection they choose not to share their status with you.

Eventually they find themselves in poor health with nobody to turn to and guess what? They seek out others like themselves and hope for the best! OR they also become…….EXTINCT.

Not everyone has ’brought it upon themselves’ as some will warrant their lack of support by saying.

My question to you is; what’s hidden in your closet? (before you judge, think!!) We all have something we don’t want let out of the bag. Yours is just different to mine and theirs 😉

There are organizations out there like AID My Journey-Support that are trying to be a sustaining force  and empower individuals during this unplanned phase of their lives, don’t think it will not affect you, it will in the long run.

I hope those of you that are so benevolent and concerned enough will think about your fellow men/women that also need your enormously generous goodwill.

What are you going to do?

If anyone would like more information I have some projects that I wish to get up and running which will assist in people being able to have skills to generate an ongoing income for themselves and their families.

Project 1:        Computer Skills Initiative

Project 2:        Training Support Group Facilitator Course

Thank you for taking the time to read this. May you share the care!

Spring has arrived and I wish you a fantastic final quarter for 2012.

AID My Journey-Support is a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 093-243) with offices based in Pinetown but not limited to region.

A proposal indicating the NPO’s initiatives and project plans of the organisation is available on request. I trust that you will consider this proposal as part of your CSI (Corporate Social Investment) Programme in support and empowerment of our community.

PLEASE NOTE: I am a Speaker and IEC (Information-Education-Communication) Facilitator on HIV & AIDS. Quotations are available on request.

If you have Health & Wellness Days planned and need my services, kindly contact me.

WORLD AIDS DAY 1st DECEMBER falls on a Saturday. If you are planning an event for this day, please keep this in mind.

This year the talk topic is:

a) ‘Take Responsibility’ which covers not only responsibility for yourself but in the workplace and the community.

b) What you as a company or individual can do to assist in making changes.

c) Talk content negotiable.

Please feel free to share/forward to the relevant person as well as with other companies that you may feel will consider supporting this initiative.

Please feel free to share.

Please find attached your invitation to the Breakfast on Friday, the 7th September 2012.

Cost: R50.00

Mission and Vision

The objective in founding Balance & Bounce – ‘Through the Circles of Life’

  • Is to play a major role in the implementation by providing valuable access to Companies with      Service Providers in the Health & Wellness industry.


  • Create health & wellness awareness events throughout the year

  • Offer sustainable information for the wellbeing of your valued staff members and their      families by putting their Balance & Bounce back on track.

Facebook Business Page

Take Action – What can I do?

  • Family Learning Projects/Skills
  • Computer Skills
  • HBC  (Home Based Care)
  • Counselling Course
  • Cooking & Sewing Skills
  • Sales – Lit’The Fight Against HIV/AIDS; Nutrition; Health Supplements
  • Facilitate Support Groups
  • Monthly Health & Wellness refresher/update – Management
  • Monthly on-site/branch Health & Wellness Awareness
  • Transport/Lift Club for Support Group attendees
  • HIV Policy and Company Statement
  • Awareness posters/flyers and access to external support
  • Off-site counselling and information
  • Alternative option for Health/Wellness/Medication access


  • Educate and empower
  • Lead by example
  • Provide positive values
  • Healthy habits
  • Choose ONE Project

Result: Real Life Power

Contact Cindy for more information on how you can possibly support this initiative.

The objective in founding AID My Journey–Support a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 093-243 and BEE Level 4) is to play a major role in the transformation of how HIV and AIDS is managed, providing valuable structured programmes on HIV and AIDS and programmes used to enhance individuals, employers and employees:

“Educate and empower people by providing local life skills programmes that promotes positive values, healthy habits, and education – resulting in real life power.”

A priority need for the HIV and AIDS programme, which operates daily, is funding for the offices.

AID My Journey-Support is requesting assistance to support programmes, namely;

a) Computer Skills Initiative

b) Training: Support Group Facilitator – Quality Living

These programmes will make a meaningful difference in the lives of the beneficiaries.

An ongoing contribution will give AID My Journey-Support the resources to fulfil these requirements. I believe that the HIV and AIDS programme is consistent with the mission and interest of the target market vital to public needs, and hope that you will find it in your budget to support this program.

If I can provide additional information to encourage consideration of this request, please feel free to contact me.

I am also available as an IEC (Information-Education-Communication) Speaker on HIV and AIDS.

Please feel free to share this.



The objective in recently founding AID My Journey-Support is to play a major role in the transformation of how HIV and AIDS is managed, providing valuable structured programmes on  HIV and AIDS and programmes used to enhance employers and employees:

“Educate and empower people by providing local life skills programmes that promotes positive values, healthy habits, and education – resulting in real life power.”

Thank you for taking the time to take a look at this page.

If your company is not in the position to support our cause and initiative as an NPO please feel free to forward this link, many thanks.


Project: Skills Income Initiative

On 15 March, 2012, in Uncategorized, by Cindy Pivacic

AID My Journey-Support is looking for companies/individuals that are upgrading their computers and laptops and would like to donate their old ones to a valuable initiative.

These will be put to use in teaching individuals living with the HI virus that have either been retrenched due to ill health or left their livelihood once they became ill and not wishing to share their status with the company, some skills.

This initiative is to empower persons to prepare small business plans, quotes, letters and basic admin skills etc. in order to generate an income for themselves.

We also require desks, chairs and some essential office equipment to ensure they are able to deliver a professional service.

Your assistance in this matter will be highly appreciated.