I never did add this interview to my website….so here you go!
Click on the link: SANAC WAD2014 Interview
Complacency is rife. HIV is still here, believe it or not!
Yes, I can hear your eyes rolling in the back of your head, thinking, not that again!
HIV has not disappeared off the face of the earth, let alone South Africa. Hiding under that wonderful bush of ours or playing ostrich with your head in the sand does not make it invisible. ‘It’ affects us all in some form or another. Guaranteed you do know someone that is HIV+, they may just not have disclosed their status to you.
As I awoke this morning it dawned on me just how much the South African community is ignoring this issue and that includes the general public, large companies, government as well as training and medical institutions as they appear to think if they skim over in the lead up to World AIDS Day (WAD) on the 1st December every year, they are covering the issue, think again.
The last stats that I could gather was dated in 2012, stating we had 400,000 new infections in that year, those are the ones that have tested and we know about. On my arrival in the Western Cape and a period of my first three months I met in the region of 400 people and was horrified to discover that not one of them had ever had an HIV test, it is no wonder that KZN, where I relocated from is classified as the highest rate in SA/World. Is it because they actually test and many know there status?
When last have you seen a major campaign on TV or radio creating awareness, three weeks prior to WAD 2014, perhaps? It just so happened that as I was thinking about this this morning I received a phone-call from a long time HIV client who voiced exactly the same thing, weird, no but it got me to thinking that it seems that it is only the HIV positive individuals that are excruciatingly aware that not enough is being done. After our discussion his tongue in cheek comment to me was, ‘it must be gone then’.
I shudder to think, is this what the public may assume, that it is no longer an issue. Sadly, on a daily basis I still have many calls for help, enquiries and newly infected persons asking for information and counselling. HIV has not vanished!
Management throughout companies assume that they have everything under control, they may have existing cases under control but what is South Africa doing about preventing new cases, nothing, nada, blow all. Having HIV awareness talks or ‘HIV in the Workplace’ Programmes is all good and well but what is being done on an ongoing basis to keep the majority of the workforce in prevention mode?
The fact that some companies have provided in-house medical assistance does not mean they are fully equipped to deal with the situation as a whole. In some case the organisations have become outdated and have neither the time nor the inclination to gather current knowledge and seem loathe to outsource that information.
What is preventing companies from apprising their medical, HR management of the latest on HIV & AIDS, is it financial?
‘THINK’ Are YOU a Jump Ahead? If it is financial then we as South Africans have a problem as the cost of absenteeism, especially in the initial stages of being diagnosed can be heavy on the pocket of the company but this does not appear to faze anyone.
By creating awareness, updating HR Managers, Peer Educators, Champions, whatever the companies preference is to name them, should be paramount to the health and wellness of staff and their families which will ultimately ensure attendance and profitability for the concerned organisation which provides South Africa with a thriving experienced and well balanced community that will ensure the future of one and all.
The recent incorrect treatment options offered by two independent GP’s had my head spinning, it is people’s lives and emotions that are at stake and the lack of information and empathy are inexcusable.
The facts:
Patient One: Doctor gave prescription for PEP (Post Exposure Prophylactic) to a patient that was exposed in excess of six months, should be within 72 hours.
Patient Two: Potentially exposed and visited Doctor within 24 hours and GP’s advice was to come back in three months for a test, no PEP offered!
There are many of us HIV+ individuals that have taken it upon ourselves to provide information and have ended up making it our life’s work to be an active force in combating the ongoing infection rate but we cannot do it alone. Having someone actually living with the virus and experiencing the various stages of the disease and being diagnosed with AIDS is a valuable and fairly unique opportunity for companies to use their knowledge.
Where to from here? ‘THINK’
Cape Town – Jhb – Durban
‘THINK’ HIV Trends 2015 Workshop
We aim to mobilise and empower the South African business sector as well as the population at large to take effective action on HIV and AIDS.
By keeping updated with HIV & AIDS trends and creating awareness as a global community we can learn and share valuable information in the fight to limit the spread of the HI virus.
Your Invitation/Registration (attached to download) and detailed Programme (on request) to attend the ‘THINK’ HIV Trends 2015 Workshop.
Your participation and input will be beneficial to both you and attending delegates; we look forward to meeting with you.
Naysayers and Denialists are a pain in the nether region!
I am tired of having to justifying why I take my medication when you Mr/Mrs Denialist (mostly Misters) have not been through the process of HIV & AIDS.
Yes, I am sure there are ‘conspiracies’ out there but really at the end of the day it does not change the situation, HIV is here and 6, 4 million (that we know of and have tested) people in South Africa cannot just be ill from some other unknown cause, having the same symptoms and all the ‘stuff’ that goes with that!
I also believe that a healthy diet and lifestyle can and will prolong the ordeal, which is NOT a train smash, of having to start ARV medication but please until such time as there is undeniable proof, bite your tongue and have some respect for the people that are dealing with their situation in the way they choose to.
To date I have no knowledge of anyone in my circle of HIV+ people who have died because they took the prescribed medication but rather the opposite, stopping or non-adherence. I know ARV’s have numerous chemical components, let me make my own decisions.
Do not for a minute think I have not read and researched options….I am the one diagnosed HIV+ so believe me, I have done my homework.
I get told that the DRUGS are making me ill. I say kiss my lily white…….!
Ask me first; ‘When did you acquire all the diseases attributed to AIDS?’ I will politely tell you that it was PRIOR to starting ARV’s and I have NOT been ill since 2009, diagnosed in 2004, started medication in 2008. I have not even had a cold, let alone flu.
So…….speak to individuals who have gone through the entire journey and survived to tell the tale, which is what I do, like it or not, that’s your choice.
PS I was always extremely healthy and fit prior to my diagnosis, explain that and don’t tell me it was from ‘natural’ causes as nobody is afflicted with Shingles, Pneumonia, TB Meningitis, two Strokes and Cancer namely, Angioimmunoblasticlymphadenopathy in a period of two years without some serious reason.
If you don’t know the QUESTION, you ain’t going to know the ANSWER!
Contact me for the full audio version or a copy of the book.
email: cindy@cindypivacic.co.za
It was a scary step I took to go public with my HIV status on the 22 January 2011 and I haven’t looked back since.
Thanks to Charlotte Kemp from www.nichetraining.co.za and Shawn Fouche from http://socialmediasolutions.co.za as they ‘forced’ me to put myself out there and do something that was only a growing thought at the time.
What happened that day, after many stops and starts in the constructing of my website, www.cindypivacic.co.za was that I went around to Charlotte and finalised a few posts, closed my eyes and pressed the send button to go public. The amazing support and feedback that came my way from the get go was astounding and the backing has never dried up.
One of my decisions to go public was to provide access to others living with HIV; a place and person they could relate to in the same situation, enabling them to source/share information and receive support.
I am happy to say people have found me via many of the social media forums and I find myself in the fortunate position to assist by communicating reliable information to those infected and affected.
My health situation has been great for the last seven years having dealt with various acquired afflictions such as pneumonia, shingles, two strokes (2005 & 2006), TB Meningitis as well as Cancer, namely Angioimmunoblasticlymphadenopathy ;-).
I attribute my present good health partly to the fact that I disclosed my status, thus removing the burden of silence which leads to stress, leading to ill health. My Mother Lindsay Heydenrych (80 yrs) and on Facebook I might add, has been my greatest support over the years and for this, I thank you.
November 2014 I hit my 10 year anniversary of living with HIV & AIDS and am sure I will be around for a long time to come and know that there are no wrong questions……if you don’t know the question, you certainly won’t know the answer, ask!
Hopefully by doing what i am doing we will remove that dreaded word, ‘Stigma’ . Think before you use it and refer to the virus as a ‘chronic illness’ instead.
Let’s get the year going with this; Spread the word not the Virus
Thanks to ONE and ALL for your ongoing support