SANYO DIGITAL CAMERAKeep an eye on this SPOT for the AUDIO release date!


1st DAY launch promo of ‘The Deadly Seducer’ will get you a copy at the introductory rate of:


  • R90 from the online store, thereafter R100
  • CD’s R100, thereafter  R120
  • CD and Hard Copy Book combo R250


Preface into the upcoming release of the AUDIO version of The Deadly Seducer




Cindy Pivacic is a Speaker, Trainer, Author, HIV Activist and IEC (Information-Education-Communication) Facilitator on HIV & AIDS.


Living with HIV & AIDS since November 2004, surviving numerous health challenges Cindy is in the unique position to add value to the training and speaking engagements provided, having presented regular talks and training sessions on a range of essential HIV & AIDS issues.


Require gifts for World AIDS Day? This will be the ideal informative option.


Pre-order your AUDIO version; due for release soon. 



Book – AUDIO/Visual Introduction



‘The Deadly Seducer‘                                                                                                    

‘A bold and honest account, Cindy Pivacic shares her story about how she came to contract HIV & AIDS and how she responded to it.

Not only is she living healthy years later, but her vibrant and energetic character has been poured into helping others experiencing the same situation.

Cindy presents talks and workshops on living positively with HIV & AIDS and those, with this book and her online presence, gives her the opportunity to create awareness, give testimony concerning the HIV & AIDS issue, and to assist in de-stigmatising this secret killer’. ~Charlotte Kemp~

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I WIN YOU WIN #kululaforgood

On 3 October, 2013, in Health and Wellness, Speaking Engagements, by Cindy Pivacic

winner 2



I have been privileged to win a return ticket from and  to any destination in SA.  #kululaforgood


I have chosen to make that destination Cape Town (where else!!) and would like to share my good fortune by offering an excellent speaker rate to SIX companies if you are perhaps planning a Health & Wellness Day prior to World AIDS on the 1st December.


I would like the opportunity to create awareness and share information as well as on how I am living a ‘positive’ life .


I have been actively living with the virus for nine years, survived numerous challenging health issues ………..and live to tell the tale.


The provisional dates planned to visit Cape Town is the 9, 10, 11th October, failing that the subsequent dates will be 23rd, 24, 25th Oct 2013.


If you are interested please contact me for more information.






Some promo links you may wish to share, (with staff, THE boss to help market your health and wellness punt), many thanks.

Social Media and Video/TV links

Carte Blanche

‘The Deadly Seducer’ – Book website short link

Book AUDIO Intro

FNB #YouCanHelp

SABC 1 Stigma & Denial

A Mother’s ‘Thanks’

On 12 August, 2013, in Media, Testimonials, by Cindy Pivacic

A message received from a Mother.

What it’s all about!!

‘Good morning Cindy, thanks ,for seeing my children yesterday.
You made them smile again and that means a lot to me .
You are one in a million, thanks again’.

~name withheld~

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The Deadly Seducer Launch inviteThe Deadly Seducer Launch BioThe Deadly Seducer

Supper with Cindy at Ekhaya Guest House

Cindy Pivacic launches her hard hitting book ‘The Deadly Seducer’

On Thursday 19th September 2013 at 18h30 for 19h00

75 Hilary Drive, Ballito

Buffet Supper

 Advance booking:     R75

At the door:                R95

032 586 3433 / 078 78 00 735

Women's Welness Breakfast Invite 1st August 2013


Women’s Breakfast_Service Provider Proposal


Invitation_Women’s Wellness Breakfast


Click on above link to see full invite please.

Looking forward to meeting with you at this event.

There will also be an opportunity to purchase Cindy’s book

The Deadly Seducer – Cindy will be on hand to sign purchased copies

Limited Health & Wellness exhibit tables to display products

email us for proposal pricing.




Events July & Aug 2013 HIV & AIDS

On 1 July, 2013, in Events, Speaking Engagements, by Cindy Pivacic

One can never have too many events to create awareness around HIV & AIDS and if you think you know everything on the subject, have I got news for you….I have been living with the virus for almost 9 years and barely a week goes by that I do not learn something new.


The only way to get knowledge is to discuss the HI virus with someone in the know. Don’t assume anything and never believe everything you hear….ask!!


I have a few events coming up in Durban and Kimberley and you are more than welcome to wind your way there, for a small fee of course as I founded an organisation which assist in skills development for individuals living with the virus in order for them to generate an income so please feel free to find out more whilst supporting your communities wellbeing.


Remember the virus does not discriminate!!


OK, now that I have your attention, here are the events scheduled to date for July and August respectively:


AUGUST is Women’s Month – Join in the fun and celebration!

Book early to avoid being left OUT!!


4th July 2013 I will be addressing ‘Women of Strength’ in Amanzimtoti.


27th July 2013 is the Gold Cup Charity Fundraiser – Join us in the marquee. Get tickets from me.


1st August 2013, we will be hosting a Women’s Wellness Workshop. Three wellness issues to be addressed as well as exhibit tables so if you are interested, ask for the proposal.


6th August 2013 at Hillcrest Private Hospital. An engagement to present to staff and patients.


8th August 2013 will find me in Kimberley to present to NOCCI (Northern Cape Chamber of Commerce) a presentation for their Women’s Day.


9th August 2013 back in Durban, an event for young school ladies called ‘Winning in the Workplace’