HIV: Balance & Bounce (1)

On 26 February, 2020, in HIV: Balance & Bounce, by Cindy Pivacic

There are many facets to wellness around HIV and AIDS. Here I speak with Ryan Anderson from LabourNet and the Senior Commissioner Vusumzi Landu from the CCMA.

SASL Beginners Course – Completed

On 12 June, 2016, in Training, Uncategorized, by Cindy Pivacic

We all need to learn new skills in order to extend our message to additional audiences!


SASL Certificate June 2016


I chose to learn a new language,namely SASL, South African Sign Language which will provide me with the skills to approach additional communities to share HIV and AIDS information.

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 It’s not ME it’s YOU!

On 25 March, 2015, in Health and Wellness, Training, by Cindy Pivacic


                                                               Complacency is rife. HIV is still here, believe it or not!


Yes, I can hear your eyes rolling in the back of your head, thinking, not that again!


HIV has not disappeared off the face of the earth, let alone South Africa. Hiding under that wonderful bush of ours or playing ostrich with your head in the sand does not make it invisible. ‘It’ affects us all in some form or another. Guaranteed you do know someone that is HIV+, they may just not have disclosed their status to you.


As I awoke this morning it dawned on me just how much the South African community is ignoring this issue and that includes the general public, large companies, government as well as training and medical institutions as they appear to think if they skim over in the lead up to World AIDS Day (WAD) on the 1st December every year, they are covering the issue, think again.


The last stats that I could gather was dated in 2012, stating we had 400,000 new infections in that year, those are the ones that have tested and we know about.  On my arrival in the Western Cape and a period of my first three months I met in the region of 400 people and was horrified to discover that not one of them had ever had an HIV test, it is no wonder that KZN, where I relocated from is classified as the highest rate in SA/World. Is it because they actually test and many know there status?


When last have you seen a major campaign on TV or radio creating awareness, three weeks prior to WAD 2014, perhaps? It just so happened that as I was thinking about this this morning I received a phone-call  from a long time HIV client who voiced exactly the same thing, weird, no but it got me to thinking that it seems that it is only the HIV positive individuals that are excruciatingly aware that not enough is being done. After our discussion his tongue in cheek comment to me was, ‘it must be gone then’.


I shudder to think, is this what the public may assume, that it is no longer an issue. Sadly, on a daily basis I still have many calls for help, enquiries and newly infected persons asking for information and counselling. HIV has not vanished!


Management throughout companies assume that they have everything under control, they may have existing cases under control but what is South Africa doing about preventing new cases, nothing, nada, blow all. Having HIV awareness talks or ‘HIV in the Workplace’ Programmes is all good and well but what is being done on an ongoing basis to keep the majority of the workforce in prevention mode?


The fact that some companies have provided in-house medical assistance does not mean they are fully equipped to deal with the situation as a whole. In some case the organisations have become outdated and have neither the time nor the inclination to gather current knowledge and seem loathe to outsource that information.


What is preventing companies from apprising their medical, HR management of the latest on HIV & AIDS, is it financial?


‘THINK’ Are YOU a Jump Ahead? If it is financial then we as South Africans have a problem as the cost of absenteeism, especially in the initial stages of being diagnosed can be heavy on the pocket of the company but this does not appear to faze anyone.


By creating awareness, updating HR Managers, Peer Educators, Champions, whatever the companies preference is to name them, should be paramount to the health and wellness of staff and their families which will ultimately ensure attendance and profitability for the concerned organisation which provides South Africa with a thriving experienced and well balanced community that will ensure the future of one and all.


The recent incorrect treatment options offered by two independent GP’s had my head spinning, it is people’s lives and emotions that are at stake and the lack of information and empathy are inexcusable.


The facts:

Patient One: Doctor gave prescription for PEP (Post Exposure Prophylactic) to a patient that was exposed in excess of six months, should be within 72 hours.

Patient Two: Potentially exposed and visited Doctor within 24 hours and GP’s advice was to come back in three months for a test, no PEP offered!


There are many of us HIV+ individuals that have taken it upon ourselves to provide information and have ended up making it our life’s work to be an active force in combating the ongoing infection rate but we cannot do it alone.  Having someone actually living with the virus and experiencing the various stages of the disease and being diagnosed with AIDS is a valuable and fairly unique opportunity for companies to use their knowledge.


Where to from here?  ‘THINK’

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Are YOU a Jump Ahead?

On 15 March, 2015, in Training, by Cindy Pivacic

 Cape Town – Jhb – Durban

‘THINK’ HIV Trends 2015 Workshop



We aim to mobilise and empower the South African business sector as well as the population at large to take effective action on HIV and AIDS.


By keeping updated with HIV & AIDS trends and creating awareness as a global community we can learn and share valuable information in the fight to limit the spread of the HI virus.


Your Invitation/Registration (attached to download) and detailed Programme (on request)  to attend the ‘THINK’ HIV Trends 2015 Workshop.


Your participation and input will be beneficial to both you and attending delegates; we look forward to meeting with you.

Download (PDF, 681KB)

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‘THINK’ HIV Trends 2015 Workshop

On 1 March, 2015, in Health and Wellness, Training, by Cindy Pivacic

RIGHT….we’re on!


The Programme Manual is done.


The ‘THINK’ HIV Trends 2015 Workshop is an update on HIV and AIDS issues/information.


For more information contact me. The Workshop Coordinators are finalising dates around the major cities to start with as well as working on Corporate in-house dates.


See attached Programme for more details and contact me if you would like to get on the mailing list regarding cities, dates and times as we are working on those right now!


Space will be limited so get in FIRST.

Download (PDF, 316KB)

SOUTH AFRICA, we are doing something wrong!

On 23 January, 2015, in Health and Wellness, Training, by Cindy Pivacic

Planning a Wellness Day?


Require HIV Training/Awareness for staff?

You may like to consider the following:


Over 400 000 new HIV infections occurring in 2012, South Africa ranks first in HIV incidence in the world.


The proportion of South Africans infected with HIV has increased from 10.6% in 2008 to 12.2% in 2012.


The total number of infected South Africans now stands at 6.4-million; 1.2-million more than in 2008. (Those that have tested and we know of).


1000 – New infections daily.


Take responsibility and do your bit for the future of South Africa

Contact me:


Download (PDF, 218KB)

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On 18 November, 2014, in Events, Training, by Cindy Pivacic



Beware of these TWO websites and any enquiries that come from them, it’s a major scam.


I received a call from a company yesterday who received a Workshop invite with all my details to present on the 17/18th November.


They look major legit but try calling the numbers.  Fax only and email enquiry address.




They were taken for 20k


Please check and double check when you receive an enquiry.


I have also had my banking details ‘lifted’ off my website three times and used for cellphone contracts, hence me removing banking details from site.


I will be sending info to SAPS and if anyone else has a contact that will investigate, please share.

Download (PDF, 387KB)

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Download (PDF, 160KB)


Cindy Pivacic is a Speaker, Trainer, Author, HIV Activist and IEC (Information-Education-Communication) Facilitator on HIV & AIDS.

Surviving numerous health challenges Cindy is in the unique position to add value to the training provided, having presented regular talks and training sessions on a range of essential HIV & AIDS issues.

AID My Journey-Support (NPO 093-243) was founded in 2011 having recognised the need for structured support, counselling and awareness around HIV & AIDS nationwide, based in Cape Town for Counselling and administering of projects for individuals living with HIV & AIDS.

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Services SETA Accreditation

On 8 February, 2013, in Uncategorized, by Cindy Pivacic

AID My Journey is proud to announce that we are now Services SETA  Accredited Training Providers for HIV Skills.

Thanks to the sponsorship and unparalleled support and dedication from Jeanine Topping & Associates who made this possible.

For more information on their services please follow the link below.