Own Your Challenges!

On 11 February, 2019, in Health and Wellness, Training, by Cindy Pivacic

Plodding along in the hope that everything will turn out just fine, is not an option.

If you are faced with challenges, whether physical or emotional, will affect your mental state and jeopardise your ability to function normally.

Facing your challenges or fears is the only way to make practical choices in order to change your circumstances. The question is; how do you do that?

Not everyone has a personality type to cope with challenges on their own so acquiring the valuable and experienced counselling/guidance is paramount to get you through tough times.

If you have been through a traumatic event or face issues at work, or even in  your personal life, the best way to approach it is head-on and as soon as humanly possible.

Over and above my health issues, many years ago I was on holiday and my then husband had my 18 month son in a backpack carrier and decided to get a view of a mountain from a closer viewpoint. He stood up on a low wall overlooking a sheer drop. I freaked, lost the plot and screeched for him to get off the wall. Prior to that I had no issue with heights, little realising how that one incident would affect me for over thirty years.

Once I decided to own and face my fear of heights, I firstly went on a 1,5km Zipline Tour in Ballito, KZN. After a leisurely nature walk to the top of the cliff I was introduced to the “1st in the world” – all new “Parazip” proceeding to slide on a 400m cable from the top of the mountain.  That was around 2014.

I then decided, in 2018 that zip-lining was for sissies, so on World AIDS Day, I proceeded to tandem paraglide off Signal Hill. What a blast and I can honestly say I would do it again.

My life, my choices!

Don’t be ashamed of what you’ve been through or what you’re dealing with.

What are your challenges and what are you doing to defeat them?

There are ways to overcome each and every obstacle; you just need the right tools!

About Cindy: In 2004, Cindy was diagnosed with HIV & AIDS. By 2008 she was subjected to Cancer (stage 3b) and TB Meningitis. Cindy had two Strokes and Shingles, four times in one year. And a hefty bout of Pneumonia… all that in a space of four years. In March 2018 Cindy had a massive heart attack leading to a double bypass.

Events July & Aug 2013 HIV & AIDS

On 1 July, 2013, in Events, Speaking Engagements, by Cindy Pivacic

One can never have too many events to create awareness around HIV & AIDS and if you think you know everything on the subject, have I got news for you….I have been living with the virus for almost 9 years and barely a week goes by that I do not learn something new.


The only way to get knowledge is to discuss the HI virus with someone in the know. Don’t assume anything and never believe everything you hear….ask!!


I have a few events coming up in Durban and Kimberley and you are more than welcome to wind your way there, for a small fee of course as I founded an organisation which assist in skills development for individuals living with the virus in order for them to generate an income so please feel free to find out more whilst supporting your communities wellbeing.


Remember the virus does not discriminate!!


OK, now that I have your attention, here are the events scheduled to date for July and August respectively:


AUGUST is Women’s Month – Join in the fun and celebration!

Book early to avoid being left OUT!!


4th July 2013 I will be addressing ‘Women of Strength’ in Amanzimtoti.


27th July 2013 is the Gold Cup Charity Fundraiser – Join us in the marquee. Get tickets from me.


1st August 2013, we will be hosting a Women’s Wellness Workshop. Three wellness issues to be addressed as well as exhibit tables so if you are interested, ask for the proposal.


6th August 2013 at Hillcrest Private Hospital. An engagement to present to staff and patients.


8th August 2013 will find me in Kimberley to present to NOCCI (Northern Cape Chamber of Commerce) a presentation for their Women’s Day.


9th August 2013 back in Durban, an event for young school ladies called ‘Winning in the Workplace’