Celebrate the Past & Present of HIV and AIDS

On 5 November, 2019, in HIV & AIDS, World AIDS Day, by Cindy Pivacic

Are you aware the 1st of Dec is…… less than 30 days away?

Embargoed until: 29 July 2019


Current population South Africa                                                        58 775 022

The estimated overall HIV prevalence rate is approximately           13,5%

The total number of people living with HIV is estimated at              7,97 million

HIV positive adults aged 15–49 years, an estimated                         19,07%

Book me to speak at your World AIDS Day Event


Are You Aware 1st Dec is……?

On 4 November, 2019, in World AIDS Day, by Cindy Pivacic

Less than 30 days to go to World AIDS Day.

58,809,549 (million) SA Citizens

7,700 000 (million) are living with HIV

To know more book me to speak at your

World AIDS Day Event


Lose The Ego!

On 28 February, 2019, in HIV & AIDS, Uncategorized, by Cindy Pivacic

I have been pondering for quite some time whether I should write this post!

Today, after voicing aloud to my HIV compatriot that I had of late, slowed down on sharing HIV & AIDS educational and awareness content on my social media sites, decided to go ahead and write what has been simmering away for a few months.

I had become somewhat embarrassed by several of my HIV ‘activist’ associates having these massive ego’s and ‘look at me’ ‘why am I not being applauded for my contribution’ attitudes.

Seeing that we are all in the same boat and connected via social media, was concerned that I would be perceived to be that way inclined as well. I certainly hope not!

So, to the detriment of sharing information and educating on HIV & AIDS, chose to back off to some extent, and consequently feel I have failed the public.

My intent has always been to share and show, without the rah-rah approach.

By this I mean to demonstrate, over and above sharing information to consistently create awareness, that one can, by living a spirited, productive, healthy and activity filled life, achieve anything you set your mind to.

The plan is to forge ahead now that I have come to terms with the fact that I am NOT them and that there is still a lot to share around HIV & AIDS.

Presenting on….’Own Your Challenges’

On 18 February, 2019, in Health and Wellness, Training, by Cindy Pivacic

Lifestyle Skills Management which include:

Own Your Challenges’

There are potentially numerous issues that could create setbacks in a person’s personal life which can also carry over to their work life.

It can be detrimental to their well-being, if not addressed.

By addressing a setback and collaborating with management and employees, a positive change can be made, which will lead to behavioural change, and safeguard against loss of revenue and absenteeism.

                >Becoming resilient.
                >How to motivate themselves.
                >When and why to terminate a troublesome project.
                >Explore alternative options of accountability.
                >How to cope with failing.

            Take back your Balance & Bounce!

Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire. – Arnold Glasgow-

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On 12 October, 2012, in Health and Wellness, Media, Press, Sponsors, Uncategorized, by Cindy Pivacic



‘AID My Journey-Support’

NPO 093-243            

Cindy Pivacic

Send email to: oja@saol.com OR sms 0834528617 by 20th October 2012

‘Operation Jumpstart Association’, the founding company of Natal LOTTO is celebrating 20 years of serving the community.

Founding members are reuniting on the 26 October 2012 and to celebrate they are giving 10 charities (KZN ONLY) the opportunity to receive R20 000


Thank You
