Raw foods:
Foods such as clams, oysters, sushi, very rare meats, and undercooked eggs contain infectious bacteria and intestinal parasites.
Infections that would not bother most people can be life threatening for those with compromised immune systems.
Even alfalfa and bean sprouts, which are usually associated with “health food,” contain a natural toxin that can harm the immune system. They really should be cooked before eating.
Raw fruits and vegetables should be well washed before eating.
Protein: Generous amounts of high quality protein are important for maintaining rapid production of cells to support the immune system, preventing loss of lean muscle mass and boosting energy.
As much as possible, look for organic meat and poultry, have plenty of fish, especially those high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for building the body’s immune response.
These include salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout, and tuna; flax seeds are another good source of this important nutrient. Dairy products may not be the best protein source since they create digestive problems for many people, such as excess gas, loose stools, mucous and congestion.
Yeast infections and thrush also thrive on dairy. Vegetarian sources of protein include soy products such as tofu and tempeh, and beans and legumes, having the added benefit of fiber, which animal foods do not provide.
Other helpful foods include onions, garlic (unless you are having liver problems), ginger, and turmeric (a spice that is a good anti-inflammatory).
Mushrooms such as shitake, oyster, and other Asian varieties, are noted for their immune-enhancing abilities. Sea vegetables are rich in minerals such as immune-boosting zinc, as well as calcium. Small quantities of fresh almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds are also good sources for zinc and healthy fats.