On 10 May, 2015, in Health and Wellness, Support Group, Testimonials, by Cindy Pivacic



Cindy, you and AID my Journey-Support are my lifeline to knowledge and a place I feel safe in and can discuss anything with regard to my status and meet people in the same position as I am. As a white male you are my only lifeline – or should I say the only lifeline I would consider associating myself…. I cannot imagine having to go to any of the govt run clinics for info. I called many national so called “help” lines before I found you – they were all useless – half the places no longer exist or you feel as if you are speaking to a text book – getting the standard replies to questions

Stigma associated with HIV/AIDS is causing so much more damage to those who are too afraid to disclose to their loved ones for fear of losing them.

I have SO many questions going around in my head all the time……

Diabetes is a life threatening disease but there is no stigma attached to this and no restrictions in any way but because it is not sexually transmitted its ok!


My HIV status changed because i saved someone’s life and even if I went to the man’s wife and doctor and got a letter to that effect it would not change the fact that, I

  • was not raped
  • did not get HIV from      needlestick
  • did not get HIV from blood      transfusion
  • as a result of a car accident

Even if it was from sex so what! ALL human beings have sex in some form or other – we are supposed to so why the stigma.


I have very close friends who do not know my status and a weekend does not go by where one of them passes a remark which refers to the blacks and HIV & AIDS and how they are “full of it” I cringe!




Hi Cindy


Hope you well, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for this HIV and AIDS support group u establish, when i first came i was in a bad situation, to meet u and the other members of the group u make me feel at home sharing experience from each other help and give me hope to my journey with my status, what i like about you, your caring love you always give us thank you, you also do the counselling we really blessed to meet a person like you, my wish is ‘forward with group all the best of luck to see this support group grow. Thank you so much keep up with a good work






Subject: Re: Testimonial/Stigma

Sent: Sep 28, 2012 07:02


I’ve found that many people haven’t been fully introduced to the whole topic of HIV. In my case, like so many others, I wasn’t infected due to me having more than one partner. Neither does it make me a victim of a short life span. If anything, I’m now fully aware of what is healthy and what isn’t.


I’m as healthy as the next because I had guidance and knowledge given to me regarding my status.

I’ve been educated and kept up to date with recent statistics as to how not to infect people, how to look after myself and others close to me.


I always thought that being faced with HIV was an impossibility on my account. That I would never be introduced to the stress or health issues would never come across my path. Yet here I am, my CD4 count went up from 282 (Feb 2012, 4 months after I was diagnosed) to 714 (May 2012, after being introduced to meds, keeping an okay-ish healthy lifestyle from the knowledge I was provided with). This not being from the medication, but from the system of support I’ve been blessed with.


If anything, Cindy (to me personally) is a compass, she shows passion in what she does, provides a necessary service.  All in all, she’s my compass, my map, my guide.





Hi! Support group is helping m a lot coz it is the only place where I feel comfortable 2 share anything that worries me physically, emotionally and health. And we get different ideas 2 help us coping with positive life. When I’m @ the support group I feel special, warmth, love and care from the support group more than being @ home. Cindy is always there for help when I need someone to talk to and with the diet when I’m sick physically and emotionally.  Wish u well.




Hi Cindy, I never got to reply to your lovely comment about me the other day. Thanks so much. I love being in your support group. U are fun, very helpful, and wise with your advice. People are blessed to have you around ({}) to help them thru the HIV illness. Thank you.

Sent from my BlackBerry®


Hi Cindy, since I have started with aid my journey support group I have more knowledge of HIV. If I have any questions Cindy is always there to advise me. I now know how to eat healthy and stay healthy. Cindy’s support group is helpful to all of us and fun at the same time.  I have been stigmatised in the past by my son and sister in law. My son won’t allow me to prepare food or cook for him. My sister in law would make me wash dishes with gloves on in case I cut myself. She even went as far as getting me my own zinc for me to wash my own dishes in. Joy Sent from my BlackBerry®




Hi Cindy. Well for me what I’ve came across is that when I got infected with HIV it’s very hard to speak to people you know. I rather confide with a stranger than my own friends/family. It’s very difficult to go for an HIV test especially in the townships as its cold the ‘white room’ cause it’s sidelined in the corner of the clinic. Whether u going to walk out HIV pos or neg u already labelled positive cause you went inside the white room. I just feel like HIV shouldn’t be sidelined like a deadly illness as it’s manageable.

Sent from my BlackBerry®




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