Cape Talk Radio Abs interviews CindyHIV

On 31 July, 2017, in Media, by Cindy Pivacic

Interview with Abs from Cape Talk Radio, Cindy’s story of how she was Infected with HIV.


.http://Interview with Abs from Cape Talk Radio Cindy’s story of how she was Infected with HIV.

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The content is focused on the youth entering adult life and the working world, enlightening them of potential pitfalls, panics and pleasures that could occur and how to avoid or embrace the lesson, should they happen.




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#Hashtag Radio interview 27th October 2014

On 28 October, 2014, in Gallery, Media, by Cindy Pivacic


Hashtag Radio 27th October 2014

A very well thought out and insightful interview with Leandre de Bruyn.

That is where the message needs to start…..the youth.

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