(Video No.1)

Living a positive, healthy life. The future is ours.

Viral load
CD4 count

Find out more……on youtube post.

StatsSA says the total number of people living with HIV in South Africa has increased from an estimated 4.25 million in 2002 to 7.52 million by 2018.

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HIVenture-Tour de Life

On 29 September, 2016, in Health and Wellness, Speaking Engagements, Training, by Cindy Pivacic


It is SO time to relaunch the HIVenture-Tour de Life Project again.

SouthAfrica is still in a pandemic state where HIV & AIDS is concerned.

Let us ALL get involved in SHARING this POST and get the  Corporate and Crowd Funding  sector involved…..AND….GO!

Contact me to discuss.

Download (PDF, 1.25MB)

Presenting at International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) Cape Town on the 9th Dec 2015 themed

IWPG Pic of Group

Speak to me if you would like to know how we can address topics around HIV & AIDS to your Staff, Scholars, Students, Medical Institutions and your Community.