1. Q. Who should get tested?
- If you are sexually active or thinking of becoming sexually active then you should get tested.
13. Q. Are there different tests available?
- There are different tests, namely the Rapid Test which is done on site (results in 15 minutes) and the Elisa Test where your blood is drawn by a sister and sent to a laboratory for testing/confirmation.
19. Q. I am 43, have been married twice, and have had five or six sexual partners. Should I get tested?
- Everyone should get tested! Without a test you DO NOT know your status.
22. Q. Does it matter if both partners have HIV and don’t practice safe sex?
- Yes. The viral load (amount of HIV) in a person’s blood can be increased by having sex with an infected partner, which means damage to the immune system is speeded up. Also, it is possible for a person with HIV to become re-infected with a different strain of HIV.