1. Q. Who should get tested?
- If you are sexually active or thinking of becoming sexually active then you should get tested.
13. Q. Are there different tests available?
- There are different tests, namely the Rapid Test which is done on site (results in 15 minutes) and the Elisa Test where your blood is drawn by a sister and sent to a laboratory for testing/confirmation.
19. Q. I am 43, have been married twice, and have had five or six sexual partners. Should I get tested?
- Everyone should get tested! Without a test you DO NOT know your status.
22. Q. Does it matter if both partners have HIV and don’t practice safe sex?
- Yes. The viral load (amount of HIV) in a person’s blood can be increased by having sex with an infected partner, which means damage to the immune system is speeded up. Also, it is possible for a person with HIV to become re-infected with a different strain of HIV.
Share this information as it could save someone’s life!
Some Doctors really need to update their knowledge on the time frame for a person that has had been put at risk of HIV exposure.
Second time in two weeks that incorrect information has been dished out to someone that has been put in an accidental risk situation.
You are toying with other people’s lives and emotions and should know what questions to ask!
If you have been exposed to a situation where you may have been put at risk, for instance, an open wound, blood to blood wound, you have 72 hours to get yourself onto post exposure prophylactic treatment (PEP).
It can potentially save you from acquiring the HI virus so please ensure you share this seriously important information with others.
You will have to take the medication for a period of 30 days.
If you don’t know the QUESTION, you ain’t going to know the ANSWER!