Error, Terror & Triumph – Learn before you Leap

On 24 October, 2015, in Book, Skills Projects, by Cindy Pivacic

Youth educational focused pocketbook?


The content of this pocketbook is focused on the youth entering adult life and the working world, enlightening them of potential pitfalls, panics and pleasures that could occur and how to avoid or embrace the lesson, should they happen.


Each chapter of the 26 lessons starts with a letter of the alphabet i.e. ‘A’ – Action


Followed up with a factual experience.


Ending with a maximum of 140 characters (easily shared on Twitter etc.) of the #LifeLesson I learnt from this happening.




#Action is everything! It is crucial to life and if you sit back and have a thought and do not put it into action, you are already lost to your cause and life plan.


If you do not put your action into practice you cannot assume that life will put your plan in place. Once an action is decided upon, you need to put at least one mechanism in place if you really want it to work, follow through, it is not going to happen on its own.




Each time I have had a roadblock jump in front of me I have come up with a new idea and put it into action.


I had wanted to relocate from Durban to Cape Town for years as I believed that there would be more business and openness around health and wellness issues there and when the opportunity arose, I jumped at the chance and took action.


At my age, one would think it is a risk. What is life, if not an adventure without a risk or two, a reasonably controlled one of course?  I sold up all my home content as this person wanted someone to take over their furnished place and it was my intention to look for such a place anyway.


But the fact of the matter is, I sold everything to the new tenant where I was leaving, purchased a vehicle on the Saturday, loaded it on a freight train on the Sunday, sent my baggage on the Monday via rail as well, flew to Cape Town on the Tuesday, picked up my car at the Cape Town train station and drove to where I was staying for the week.


All that from start to finish, making the decision to move and putting into action, took ten days! You can achieve results if your mindset is focused on the end result. Put the power of the mind to the test and the result will be easy to fulfill.


#Lesson: Anything is achievable with the right conviction.


If your company has a CSI programme that involves the Youth, this is a valuable pocketbook to add to their education.

Contact Cindy Pivacic for more information.

Brand with YOUR Company logo.

021 839 4529

073 73 96 044


On 1 October, 2015, in Health and Wellness, Media, by Cindy Pivacic

Error Terror & Triumph 2


Your input would be most appreciated.


The content of this pocketbook, titled ‘Error, Terror & Triumph’ with a subtitle ‘Learn before you Leap’ (which I trust provides clarity to the title) is focused on the youth who are going into the working world, enlightening them of potential pitfalls, panics and pleasures that could occur and how to avoid or embrace the lesson, should they happen.


I would like to know your thoughts on the cover and title.


The title/cover is purely a template for now as it will hopefully be enhanced by a creative graphic designer.


Does the title suit the brief?*


Does the title GRAB you?*


Does the cover MAKE YOU LOOK TWICE?