HIVenture-Tour de Life 2013
‘Take Responsibility – Take Action’
Do YOU Support this initiative? – What can YOU do?
Companies and individuals lend your name to creating awareness!
‘HIVenture-Tour de Life’ aims to spread the word not the virus by promoting change in the lifestyle of South Africans to rapidly decrease the rate of infections.
The disease is still spreading with 1000 new infection daily in South Africa.
HIV and AIDS awareness has been neglected in the media over the past months adding to the decline of in-house awareness within the South African workplace.
Access to information for employers and employees is inadequate.
Focus will be on the corporate as well as public sector to increase information and dispel misconceptions by give personal testimony and mentorship.
“To mobilise and empower the South African business sector as well as the population at large to take effective action on HIV and AIDS”.
•Create an understanding of how HIV is transmitted in an attempt to curb the ongoing spread of the disease.
•Educate through experience and personal testimony of living with HIV and AIDS.
•Create awareness on how HIV and AIDS affects us all as a global community, infected or affected.
•Promote the view that those living with HIV and AIDS require understanding and consideration rather than judgment with a stigma attached to it as no one ‘deserves’ this disease.
Having counselled individuals and facilitated support groups living with HIV & AIDS, Cindy realises that more needs to be done to eradicate the stigma still attached to the virus.
This issue is preventing individuals from ‘coming out’ about their status and securing essential treatment and support.
The planned tour route.
AID My Journey-Support a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 093-243) based in KwaZulu Natal aims to assist individuals living with the HI virus to empower themselves by generating an ongoing income to sustain their wellbeing.
Support our Skills Initiative Projects – sms the word ‘THINK’ to 38665 to donate R10.00
The Projects are namely;
1) Computer Skills Initiative
2) Training Support Group Facilitator
Many Thanks
No prizes for pointing out the spelling
error so don’t bother to mention it 😉
Networking forum for Service Providers and Company Executives dealing with Health and Wellness.
Please feel free to share if this is not relevant to you, thank-you.
World AIDS Day is on the 1st December each year.
Let us admire the persons living with the virus and celebrate their wellbeing.
Join us in support this month!
Mission and Vision
The objective in founding Balance & Bounce – ‘Through the Circles of Life’
Is to play a major role in the implementation by providing valuable access to Companies with Service Providers in the Health & Wellness industry.
Create health & wellness awareness events throughout the year
Offer sustainable information for the wellbeing of your valued staff members and their families by putting their Balance & Bounce back on track.
Why is HIV & AIDS treated as a ‘SEASONAL’ issue??
What about the other 364 days of the year!!!
How can YOU support AID My Journey-Support’s World AIDS Day initiative, 365 days of the year?
AID My Journey-Support a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 093-243) based in KwaZulu Natal aims to assist individuals living with the HI virus to empower themselves by generating an ongoing income to sustain their wellbeing.
Support our Skills Initiative Projects – sms the word THINK to 38665 to donate R10.00
The Projects are namely;
1) Computer Skills Initiative
2) Training Support Group Facilitator
If you would like to DONATE directly into the bank account, details below.
FNB – Westville
Account Name AID My Journey Support
Account Type Cheque Account – (non-profit)
Account Number 6233 080 2712
Universal Br Code 250655
Account Name AID My Journey-Support
Account Type Savings – (non-profit)
Account Number 9266 809 550
Branch Code 632005 (Pinetown)
Corporate Health & Wellness Breakfast – Friday 2nd November 2012 DURBAN 8am SHARP!
Networking forum for Service Providers and Company Executives dealing with Health and Wellness
The sweet ‘tooth’ of Diabetes is acknowledged on the 14th November each year.
Let us honour the ongoing struggle individuals and their families face.
Fighting to get the message heard!
When are the Corporates going to stand up and be counted?
Time to pay atttention!
NPO 093-243
Cindy Pivacic
Send email to: OR sms 0834528617 by 20th October 2012
‘Operation Jumpstart Association’, the founding company of Natal LOTTO is celebrating 20 years of serving the community.
Founding members are reuniting on the 26 October 2012 and to celebrate they are giving 10 charities (KZN ONLY) the opportunity to receive R20 000
Thank You
Corporate Health & Wellness Breakfast Friday 5th October 2012 -DURBAN
Networking forum for Service Providers and Company Executives dealing with Health and Wellness.
Please feel free to share if this is not relevant to you, thank-you.
With breast cancer month in October taking us up to World AIDS Day on the 1st December, Cindy has undertaken to be a little ‘crazy’, some may say abnormal; to honour these two issues that are very close to home – join us to see what it is all about and perhaps this may encourage you to do something too!
Create Awareness!!
Mission and Vision
The objective in founding Balance & Bounce – ‘Through the Circles of Life’
- Is to play a major role in the implementation by providing valuable access to Companies with Service Providers in the Health & Wellness industry.
- Create health & wellness awareness events throughout the year
- Offer sustainable information for the wellbeing of your valued staff members and their families by putting their Balance & Bounce back on track.
Like us on Facebook:
Twitter: @balanceandbounc