More than my Status

On 9 March, 2016, in Health and Wellness, Speaking Engagements, Training, by Cindy Pivacic

Balance & Bounce

Being more than my HIV status and having had to deal with numerous lifestyle changes, health issues and experiences has taken this page to another level.

The fact that I have researched and adapted my lifestyle, diet and many other facets of life, has given life to the alternative services I offer.


Services & Experience:


Trauma & Lay Counsellor covering a spectrum of in-house issues relating to employee well-being.


* Healthy Eating (the why’s of obesity which leads to high BP and heart disease)

* Employee dynamics

* Bullying

* Rape and Abuse

* Alcohol abuse

* Relationships

* HIV Counselling


Furthermore, I Train and Speak on Counselling, ‘CHOICES’ and ‘HIV & AIDS in the Workplace’.




Book title: ‘Error Terror & Triumph’ Subtitle: Learn before you Leap


This talk is targeted on the youth but not exclusively as it is valuable to one and all and particularly beneficial when entering adult life and the working world, enlightening individuals of potential pitfalls, panics and pleasures that could occur and how to avoid or embrace the lesson.


Each chapter of the 26 lessons starts with a letter of the alphabet i.e. ‘A’ – Action, followed up with a factual experience.


Ending with a maximum of 140 characters which is easily shared on Twitter of the #LifeLesson I learnt from this experience.


  1. HIV & AIDS Training & Awareness


Book title: ‘The Deadly Seducer‘


An account of my story about how I came to contract HIV & AIDS and how I responded to it.


Not only am I living healthy years later, but my energetic character has been poured into helping others experiencing the same situation.


I present talks and workshops on living positively with HIV & AIDS and those, with this book and my online presence, provides me the opportunity to create awareness, give testimony concerning the HIV & AIDS pandemic, and to assist in de-stigmatising this secret killer’.


Balance & Bounce

Through the Circle of Life


Downloadable Info Kit Below:

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