57 Life Lessons – 57th Birthday

On 7 April, 2015, in HAPPINESS, Health and Wellness, by Cindy Pivacic

orang positive

This is not only for me!

There are 60 but you will have to wait another three years


go to the link at the bottom of the page 😉

1. I know now that I must validate myself before I want others to validate me. I need to stop putting myself at the bottom of the pile. ~Cocomo614

2. I know that my time is just as valuable as anyone else’s and I know I don’t have to apologize for putting me back on my to-do list.

3. When I take care of myself, I am confirming my worth to myself. If I give to myself first (time, rest, love), I have more to give to others.

4. Not to be so hard on myself…been through a lot in life but I still deserve to be happy in this life. ~@nerlster

5. I know that it’s okay to have my own opinions and tell the truth.

6. It’s easy to give up on yourself. The hard part is staying focused on being a better you.

7. I know I am a product of what I believe to be true. I know I hold the power… all the power to change when I want to. I have to commit!

8. I have value and merit, that I am intelligent and worthy of love and respect.

9. I don’t have to let my past define who I am today.

10. I have finally realized I am all those good things about myself that others have seen all along.

11. Instincts are subconscious lessons learned that surface to keep you from making the same mistakes.

12. I have a choice and I am the only one responsible for the life I live.

13. It is better to do than be persecuted by your inactions and your own thoughts. The truer I am to myself, the better my relationships. Love me for my truth, not for my lies!

14. Failure is the path to success.

15. Making small steps equals big dreams.

16. I know I’m off course when that magic, that whisper of possibility, my own rogue spirit gets lost in action. ~@marcygoldman

17. Never trade in what your heart is whispering for what the rational mind is screaming.

18. Courage comes from making courageous choices in life, not knowing what the outcome…better or worse, with no regrets. ~Michael1968M

19. Follow your heart and not others.

20. Never fear taking a chance on something you really want to do.

21. Every event is a learning experience, positive or negative.

22. Experience has taught me that most of my worry is a waste of time, and to be patient. Life often turns out much better than imagined. ~@LauraDemir

23. I know I can’t do anything about the past and how I responded to all the abuse I have suffered, but I can do something about now.

24. You can’t blame anyone else for your problems. Making yourself a victim is simply unattractive and self-defeating.

25. Hard times never last, being tough when needed, kind and compassionate does. ~ccoots

26. Not all things in life go as planned, but if you can find the good in every situation you will always be okay.

27. Sometimes we have to fall so that we can soar higher…and we will appreciate everything more in the end.

28. In a nutshell, “this” too shall pass. ~@bostonsplash67

29. Things will always change, yet stay the same.

30. Changing your thoughts can change your life!

31. I can still do what I set my mind to do, no matter what my physical limitations might be. I just might have to route it different.

32. The energy you put out is the energy you get back.

33. I know that I cannot settle and stay safe in my life. If I want to grow I need to take risks.

34.  I know that I cannot ever again let someone else define my abilities. ~@NGW_OT

35. Life is a gift, something to cherish and to take a chance on myself. I don’t want to have any regrets that fear held me back from living.

36.  You cannot sit and wait for life to happen. You have to make it happen if you want to reach your goals. ~@@TThomas26

37. I am the only one powerful enough to stop me and the only one powerful enough to set me free.

38. Stop waiting for the changes you want to magically happen—you have to be the catalyst for the changes you want in your life. ~@YWhisenant

39. There’s always a second chance. Plan goals out so you can recognize the progress made in a year on whatever goal you have. Never too late. ~@Tanya1Bless

40. Nobody but yourself can define your worth and capabilities.

41. I was not intended to do this alone.

42. I know I shouldn’t take everything personally. Most of the time it’s not about me but more about who they are. .

43. I cannot change someone or the way they act. I am only responsible for myself and the way I act and feel.

44. It’s ok to distance yourself from toxic people even if they are family. I will not surround myself with that energy.

45. I know the action of judgment is a choice. I choose to do better on how I go about judging othersand how I will go about judging myself. ~@trh_2011

46. Walk away from people who have no respect for you.

47. I know that people will put so many demands on you, but that does not mean that you have to follow them.

48. I know that to fill the love tank of others, I must first fill my own….Mine should be on overflow to have enough to share.

49. The point in sharing your life with someone isn’t to have them make your life better, but to keep you company as you do it yourself.

50. The energy we attract is what we subconsciously feel we deserve.

51. Forgiveness is for me, not for those who have hurt me. When I learned to forgive, I was set free from bondage.

52. Life is short, every moment is precious, and regret is a waste of energy.

53. The more I learn, the less I think I’m right.

54. You can move to a new town, a new house. You can move to the moon, the ends of the earth, your unhappiness will be there to greet you. Fix it. ~@stellacb50

55. Life is too short to live without love and laughter, forgiveness and caring, peace and joy! ~@camprier

56. Everything I need to create a happy life is inside me.

57. You decide if you’re going to be a trusting person or not. You decide if humanity is worth the effort or not. ~@DivaBoricua1


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